Part No Description Unit Price Quantity
ALXC1617167 Alexseal Protective Primer 161 Converter for Gal Base EA $ 55.49
ALXP1610G Alexseal Protective Primer 161 White Base (6:1 Ratio) GAL $ 162.74
ALXR4042G Alexseal Epoxy Primer Reducer Gal $ 65.84
ALXR4042Q Alexseal Epoxy Primer Reducer QT $ 27.12

The Ideal Adhesion Promoter

ALEXSEAL® Protective Primer 161 is an epoxy based primer. Due to specific corrosion inhibitors and a combination of epoxy resin binding agents, this primer offers excellent adhesion promotion on all substrates as well as corrosion protection on steel and aluminium substrates. The long re-coating times of ALEXSEAL® Protective Primer 161 allows an economical application process. After curing, ALEXSEAL® Protective Primer 161 is the ideal adhesion promoter for additional layers of ALEXSEAL® products.

Product Details

ALEXSEAL® Protective Primer 161 is used for corrosion protection and adhesion promotion on steel and aluminium substrates, both above and below the waterline

Color of mixture: White / Gray / Yellow
Base material: White / Gray / Yellow
Converter: Clear