Part No Description Unit Price Quantity
ALXM7905G Alexseal Stardust Silver Metallic GAL $ 575.76
ALXM9389G Alexseal Anniversary Silver Metallic GAL $ 575.76
ALXT0125G Alexseal Clear Gloss GAL $ 245.35
ALXX0125G Alexseal Acrylic X Clear GAL $ 261.37

Metallic Base Coat Standard Colors

The ALEXSEAL® Metallic System provides a brilliant metallic effect, great distinction of image, and long-term UV resistance. The revolutionary two-component basecoat is unique because it uses an isocyanate converter to strengthen the coating and to promote inter-coat adhesion while reducing mottling and unevenness in the final finish.

Alexseal Metallic System consists of a 2-component metallic base coat followed by a a required 2-component clear topcoat.
This Metallic System is best suited for coating larger surface areas, where its faster drying time is an advantage in minimizing coating defects.

Alexseal® Metallic Base Coat has been designed specifically to withstand the harsh marine environment. It is formulated with a two-component basecoat that provides superior inter-coat adhesion and reduces the possibility of mottling or unevenness in the finish.
In addition a two-component aliphatic polyester polyurethane is used for the final clear finish. This gives the Alexseal Metallic System unsurpassed scratch and stain resistance while preventing discoloration of the clear coat.

In this Metallic System, the base coat and (C5051) Converter are mixed 5:1 and reduced with 3 parts with the appropriate Alexseal spraying reducer (R5050 Medium, for example). The amount of reducer required may vary depending on application conditions. The Metallic Base is applied in 2 or 3 coats, depending on color and substrate.
After drying for 2 to 12 hours, depending on conditions, the Metallic Base is then overcoated with 2 to 3 (or more) coats of Alexseal Premium Topcoat 501 Clear Gloss to seal the base coat. ® Premium Topcoat 501, T0125 Clear Gloss for the application of a metallic finish. It can be used internally or externally on areas of the yacht which are not subject to permanent water immersion.

• Recommended for professional application
• Theoretical coverage: 428 ft²/gal
• Practical coverage (conventional air spray, parts or superstructure, multiple shoots): 100 ft²/gal
• Practical coverage (conventional air spray, hull and flat panels, one shoot): 180 ft²/gal
• All Alexseal components are sold separately - be sure to purchase all the components you will need