Alexseal Premium Wash Down Concentrate

Part No Description Unit Price Quantity
ALXA50051.25G Alexseal Premium Wash Down Concentrate 1.25G $ 54.24
ALXA5005Q Alexseal Premium Wash Down Concentrate Qt. $ 22.19

Product Details

ALEXSEAL® Premium Wash Down Concentrate can be used on ALEXSEAL® topcoats and to achieve a well cleaned surface.

Dark blue, slightly viscous liquid

Professional Care for Your Yacht

ALEXSEAL® Premium Wash Down Concentrate is a biodegradable washing detergent designed to clean ALEXSEAL® topcoats. It is neutral in PH; does not include abrasives and is rinseable without residues which decrease drying time. ALEXSEAL® Premium Wash Down Concentrate is formulated for the marine environment and fulfills all environmental requirements for marine detergents.